
Selling tips from American Fundraising:

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Introduce Yourself: Tell customers your name, organization you’re with, and why you are having this fundraiser. Ask the customer if they would like to support your organization.

Be Nice. Remember to say “please” and “thank you” to everyone you are selling to. Some people might say No, if they do, say “thank you for your time” and move on to the next potential buyer.

Be Energetic. Remember why you are selling & tell the customers. They may be more inclined to buy for the cause.

Dress Nice & Clean. Wear a uniform, sash, hat, etc. A clean seller makes a happy seller. People are more inclined to buy from someone who looks tidy and not dressed in play clothes.

Remember: Everyone is a potential supporter of your group. Don’t rule anyone out because they are a Company/Business. Reuse your list when the fundraiser is over so you may go back to those customers the following year.

Safety is Key: Be sure not to go alone when going door to door and always tell a parent where, when, and who you are going with.

USA Made: Aside from your special cause this is the biggest feature of our programs and one you will be proud of: “All of our products regardless of which fundraiser you choose are made in the United States of America”.

Not only will people be supporting your organization, they will be supporting their own country. What an awesome selling feature!

Download American Fundraising's "Selling Tips" as a PDf




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